11/11 Gateway:
Peace, Love & Contact

Join a Global 48-Hour Vibrational Shift

Elevate Your Consciousness, Connect with the Cosmos, and Transform Our Planet

Are you ready to be part of something extraordinary? To join forces with like-minded individuals from around the world and create a wave of positive change? The 11/11 Gateway event is your opportunity to make a difference on a cosmic scale.

🌟 November 11-12, 2024
🌍 Online Event - Access from Anywhere
💖 Limited Time Offer


    - access to the live event


    - access to the live event
- plus 30 day replay

What Is the 11/11 Gateway?

The 11/11 Gateway is a powerful cosmic alignment that opens a portal for transformation and higher consciousness. This year, we're harnessing this energy with a global 48-hour event led by world-renowned experts in meditation, galactic contact, and energy healing.

Why You Can't Miss This Once-in-a-Lifetime Event:

  • Transformative Content including Guided meditations, Galactic contact experiences, sound healing, and more
  • ​Connect with Galactic Beings: Learn techniques to initiate contact and expand your cosmic awareness
  • Join a Global Community: Unite with thousands of like-minded individuals to raise the planet's vibration
  • Learn from Top Experts: Including Eesha Patel, Adam Apollo, Debbie Solaris and more
  • ​​Contribute to a global vibrational shift lasting 48 hours!

What You'll Experience:

  • ​Deep, guided meditations to open your heart and elevate your consciousness
  • ​​CE5 protocols for initiating peaceful extraterrestrial contact
  • ​​Sound healing sessions to align your frequency with universal love
  • ​​Practical tools to maintain higher vibrations in your daily life
  • ​​A global prayer for peace and planetary healing

Secure your ticket now and receive:

  • Full access to all 48 hours of live and recorded content
  • Bonus guided meditation by Eesha Patel
  • ​Join our global community of Starseeds and Lightworkers for the 11/11 Gateway

Are You Ready to Answer the Cosmic Call?

The universe is inviting you to play a crucial role in this global awakening. Will you answer?

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now to ensure your participation
in this transformative event.

"The 11/11 Gateway is not just an event; it's a movement. A chance for humanity to come together, raise our collective vibration, and open the doors to a new era of cosmic connection." 
- Eesha Patel

Meet Your Expert Guides

The 11/11 Gateway: Peace, Love & Contact event brings together an extraordinary lineup of visionaries, each a master in their field. These luminaries will guide you through transformative experiences, profound insights, and powerful activations. Get ready to learn from the best and brightest in galactic consciousness, energy healing, and cosmic connection.

- Eesha Patel -

World's Leading Authority on First Contact & Galactic Consciousness
Eesha Patel, your primary guide for this cosmic journey, brings over a decade of groundbreaking research and personal experiences in extraterrestrial communication and interdimensional travel. As the host of the popular "First Contact" podcast and a trusted advisor to global leaders, Eesha's unique blend of spiritual wisdom and practical approach will open new doorways of perception for you.

- Shelly Reef -

Internationally Acclaimed Sound Healer & Frequency Expert
Shelly's mastery of sound healing and vibrational therapy has transformed thousands of lives worldwide. Her sessions at the 11/11 Gateway will realign your energy field, activate your DNA, and attune you to higher cosmic frequencies.

- Shelly Reef -

Internationally Acclaimed Sound Healer & Frequency Expert
Shelly's mastery of sound healing and vibrational therapy has transformed thousands of lives worldwide. Her sessions at the 11/11 Gateway will realign your energy field, activate your DNA, and attune you to higher cosmic frequencies.

- Adam Apollo -

Quantum Physicist & Multidimensional Explorer
Bridging the gap between science and spirituality, Adam Apollo brings a unique perspective to galactic consciousness. His sessions will challenge your understanding of reality and guide you through mind-bending exercises in quantum consciousness.

- Marilyn Gawecke -

Renowned Channeler & Galactic Communicator
With her extraordinary ability to channel messages from star beings, Marilyn will facilitate direct communication with our galactic family. Her sessions promise to be profound, enlightening, and deeply moving.

- Dr. Espen Hjalmby -

Pioneering Researcher in Human Potential & Consciousness Evolution
Dr. Espen's groundbreaking work in consciousness evolution has earned him global recognition. His practical techniques for expanding awareness and activating latent human abilities will empower you to reach new heights of personal growth.

- Andrea Bezak-White -

HeartMath Certified Trainer & Emotional Coherence Expert
Andrea's expertise in heart-brain coherence and emotional regulation will guide you to a state of deep inner peace and expanded awareness. Her sessions will teach you powerful techniques to maintain high vibrational states in daily life.

- Andrea Bezak-White -

HeartMath Certified Trainer & Emotional Coherence Expert
Andrea's expertise in heart-brain coherence and emotional regulation will guide you to a state of deep inner peace and expanded awareness. Her sessions will teach you powerful techniques to maintain high vibrational states in daily life.

- Marcel Hof -

Master of Breathwork & Consciousness Expansion
Brother of the famous Wim Hof, Marcel brings his own unique approach to breathwork and cold exposure. His invigorating sessions will boost your energy, strengthen your immune system, and expand your consciousness.

And Many More!

Our full lineup includes over 20 world-class experts, each bringing their unique gifts and insights to this transformative event. From CE5 contact specialists to energy healers, from quantum physicists to shamanic practitioners, the 11/11 Gateway offers a diverse and comprehensive approach to cosmic awakening.

Don't miss this unprecedented gathering of cosmic wayshowers. Their combined wisdom and guided experiences will catapult your consciousness to new dimensions and prepare you for humanity's next great leap.

A Love Letter to Our Cosmic Family

Dear Beloved Light Workers, Star Seeds, and Awakened Souls,

As I sit here, pen in hand and heart wide open, I feel the pulsing energy of our collective consciousness. Can you feel it too? The quickening of our planet's heartbeat, the whispers of the cosmos calling us home? We stand at the precipice of a great awakening, and the 11/11 Gateway of 2024 is our cosmic invitation to step into our divine purpose.
My dear ones, this is not just another gathering. This is THE moment we've been preparing for across lifetimes. The 11/11 Gateway: Peace, Love & Contact event is a clarion call to every soul who has ever looked up at the stars and felt a spark of recognition, who has ever sensed that we are part of something far greater than we can imagine.

Why is this THE event you need to attend? Because, my beloved family, we need you. Every single one of you. Your light, your love, your unique frequency is an irreplaceable thread in the tapestry of consciousness we're weaving together.
For years, many of us have worked in isolation, holding space for a future we could only glimpse in our meditations and dreams. But now, the veils are thinning. The time for solitary work is giving way to a grand cosmic collaboration. And you, yes YOU, are an essential part of this.

During these powerful 48 hours, we will:
  • Unite our hearts in a global symphony of love, powerful enough to be heard across the galaxies
  • ​Open doorways to higher dimensions, inviting our star families to connect with us in profound ways
  • ​Anchor frequencies of peace and harmony into the very core of our beautiful planet
  • ​Activate dormant DNA, awakening abilities that will astound and inspire you
  • ​Create a field of pure potential, where miracles become our new normal
But beyond these incredible experiences, we're coming together to remember. To remember who we truly are, why we're here, and the magnificent future we're co-creating.

My heart swells when I think of all of us, from every corner of the globe, joining as One. Your presence, your energy, your intention is the missing piece. Without you, the picture is incomplete.

So, I ask you, with all the love in my heart: Will you answer this cosmic call? Will you stand with us as we usher in a new era of galactic peace and understanding? Will you be there when we make history, not just for our planet, but for our entire universe?

The stars are aligning, beloved. The gateway is opening. And your soul knows the way home.

Join us. Be the change. Be the love. Be the contact we've been waiting for.

With infinite love and cosmic blessings,


P.S. Remember, in the grand tapestry of the universe, you are not a small thread – you are an essential, radiant, irreplaceable strand. We need your light. We need your love. We need YOU. See you at the 11/11 Gateway, where together, we'll shine brighter than ever before.

The Gateway is Opening... Will You Step Through?

Every moment you wait is a moment of transformation lost. The cosmos is aligning, the energies are peaking, and your presence is needed.

🌟 November 11-13, 2024
🌍 Online Event - Access from Anywhere
💖 Limited Time Offer

Meet Your Guide: Eesha Patel

World-Renowned Expert on First Contact & Galactic Consciousness

Eesha Patel stands at the forefront of humanity's cosmic awakening. With over a decade of groundbreaking research and personal experiences, she has emerged as the world's leading authority on first contact strategy and galactic consciousness.

Visionary Leader

Eesha's journey into the realms of extraterrestrial communication and interdimensional travel began with a profound personal awakening. Since then, she has dedicated her life to bridging the gap between humanity and our cosmic family.

Influential Voice

As the host of the popular "First Contact" podcast, Eesha has interviewed over 30 of the world's top UFO/UAP experts, bringing cutting-edge insights to a global audience. Her work has been featured in major media outlets, establishing her as a trusted voice in the field.

Trusted Advisor

Eesha privately counsels global leaders on first-contact protocols and planetary ascension strategies. Her unique blend of spiritual wisdom and practical approach has made her an indispensable resource for those preparing for humanity's next great leap.

Global Experience Curator

From the ancient stones of Stonehenge to the mystical vortexes of Sedona, Eesha hosts exclusive global experiences on energetically charged days. These immersive journeys explore the depths of galactic consciousness and push the boundaries of what's possible.

Your Guide for the 11/11 Gateway

As the visionary behind the 11/11 Gateway: Peace, Love & Contact event, Eesha brings her wealth of knowledge, her cosmic connections, and her heartfelt dedication to planetary ascension. With Eesha as your guide, you're not just attending an event—you're embarking on a life-changing journey to the stars.

Rob and I have been at many amazing gatherings, small and large, with Eesha over the years. We have witnessed authentic and genuine connections with Star Beings, and know that Eesha is instantly guided and in communication with them. This is very real and opens up an incredible new way of viewing life. Explore the Infinite possibilities.
— Shelley and Rob Hartland, as seen in Close Encounters Down Under
The sky is her limit!
During Eesha’s interview with me, she exhibited brilliant insights and a forward-looking perspective. It was a distinct pleasure to engage with her. The sky is her limit!
— Avi Loeb, Harvard astrophysicist and best-selling author of “Extraterrestrial” and “Interstellar”
a Rare Encounter Dancing with Truth and Perspective
It’s not common that I encounter someone where there's such a kind of, what I would call an integral orientation to kind of the truth and falsity of all the perspectives, and how we have to dance with them.
— Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Dean of Integral Education at the California Institute for Human Science and Program Director of the MA/PHD program in Integral Noetic Sciences
Eesha is a pathfinder
Eesha is a pathfinder who can have people find the key to their awareness of their journey they can strive to see.
— Sgt. Jim Penniston, Author of The Rendlesham Enigma
a top notch professional in the field of UFO/UAP
Eesha is a top notch professional in the field of UFO/UAP. Eesha has a tremendous amount of courage and professionalism in how she has shared her own experiences with the world. I was completely blown away with how much people worldwide have had their lives improved by consulting with Eesha and following her daily knowledge that she drops on social media. If you are interested in improving your spiritual life, I would recommend following her and reaching out to connect with Eesha!
— Andrew Radziewicz - The Psychic Firefighter, Author of Angels in The Firehouse
© EESHA PATEL, PTY LTD | site made iconic by iconic influencers | terms & conditions | privacy

The most powerful portal for ascension of the year is upon us. If you are ready to reset, shift paradigms, and activate your soul’s potential, I invite you to join me for my annual 11:11 Gateway Activation.

At this once a year event, you will clear energetic blockages, attune you to your higher self, and even open up your energy channels to connect with your guides & inner wisdom!

Heck, you may even raise the vibration and frequency of the planet to achieve extraordinary results felt across the world and throughout your entire life and being!

Here is just a sample of what you can expect at this exclusive activation:

  • ​You will clear energetic blockages …
  • ​Activate your 12D/13D higher etheric DNA…
  • Experience a powerful awakening, buzzing energy, strong visuals and sensations, and shifts in life…
  • ​Contribute to raising the planetary frequency for ascension

     ... and much, MUCH More!

𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫?
 Curious seekers wanting to explore their multidimensional beingness
Lightworkers, starseeds and planetary ascension guides
Conscious entrepreneurs who want to raise their vibration and create a new paradigm

We invite all who are ready to open their hearts and step up into your leadership in the co-creation of the New Earth.

𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫?

  • Sceptics
  • If you’re looking for a ‘quick fix’
  • People who aren’t truly ready to do the inner work

But don’t worry, whether this sounds all new and exciting, or gateway activations are a regular occurrence for you, this event is for everyone.